Thursday, March 22, 2018


Random word: Misplead

expression of the car mechanic perhaps I've mispleaded my case

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Random word: Whimsically

the fluted notes of a chickadee whimsically waking me from my slumber

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Random word: Balbuties

Some dictionaries list this word as a synonym for "stammering." Others list it as a specific type of stammering where all consonants become "B" and "L".

day of uncertainties I stumble trying to say "balbuties"

Monday, March 19, 2018


Random word: leeward

forsaking the leeward side of life for a kite on a windy day

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Random word: Conflicting

conflicting directions my turn down the wrong road turns out right

Saturday, March 17, 2018

maple blossoms and other dreams about spring
St. Patrick's Day weather full of bluster and blarney


I am writing a haiku a day for the next 7 days using a word generator.

The first word is "ear shell" which is another word for abalone.
There are seven types of abalone indigenous to California: red, pink, green, black, white, flat, and pinto. The red abalone is the most common.

rocky beach the ear shell empty of everything but its iridescence

Sunday, February 18, 2018

this morning's snow

this morning's snow sideswiping the maples
a cat running through a waterless fountain
day after Valentine's Day the flags at half-staff
february madness gunman's murders blamed on the fbi
rumbles of thunder the washing machine off balance
pond low with high hopes for rain
hawk squawk spring keeps switching to winter
foggy night full of last-minute curves
sweet memories your words mixed with flowers

Monday, December 18, 2017

words for rain

drought running out of words for rain
new dryer a song for each cycle
wrapping paper I error on the side of paper cuts
sore throat even silence is painful
the creaking floor mimics my voice
romance by now he's drunk and dancing with himself
the silhouette of horses without names
punch happy sleep eludes me
earlier today you were later than usual
crickets in winter there is no winter
a family reunion on a christmas card
train clackings I imagine myself away from here