Friday, April 1, 2022

in the beginning

bare patches of ground the ants succeed where the grass has failed

farmhouse chimney the slant of its shadow as if you were the one leaning

world news making me more tired than I've ever been

still strangers even though we share the same suitcase

after the prairie burns there's enough smoke for more tears

ghost elm the old wounds never healed

stranded on the beach the driftwood not drifting anymore

in the beginning no one was there to record it

Thursday, March 31, 2022

so thin the light shines through it

wooden bridge the fresh lumber smell of the newest plank

windy day talking louder is not the answer

rock outcropping the cedar turned like a balcony spindle

silk threads the journey of writing from bamboo strips to paper 

where the trail splits an acorn's fall cushioned by moss

restrained in a grocery cart the child's screams travel throughout the store

passport photo the blankness of the wall and the look in your eyes

shadows of trees sitting on the bench

cold enough to snow but it doesn't

march madness a pie crust so thin the light shines through it

unsealed envelope in case there's a change of heart

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

every day is an anniversary of something

new lake in the flooded basement all I need is some sand

birdwatching the cardinal eyes a hawk near the feeder

camouflaged tanks the pine branches never asked for this job

negative energies dechanneled I cancel my appointment with resentment

honeysuckle battlefield after we're dead this shit will find a way to keep spreading

closed door negotiations the negative energies return

dollar store with every battery but the one I'm looking for

at the age where even stubbing my toe puts me at risk

covid not gone just lurking

every day is an anniversary of something

the murk of murkiness

defensive scultpures in the twisted crosses of Czech hedgehogs

tornado threat the wind knocks early

broken sidewalk outside the flower shop dandelions

minnows disappearing into the murk of murkiness

chris rock's joke deserving of silence but not violence

a night at the oscars starting to mirror real life

chernobyl photograph the black streaks on her wedding dress

still radioactive the letters and postcards they left behind

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

all the trees that can't leave

game of thrones saga I'm not opening those emails

passive-aggressive driver how long will you tailgate me

the                 wall                 places like             shapen 

     serpentine        curving in                  my mis            spine

drama surfers actively seeking troubled waters

stepping away from a guided hike maybe they won't notice I'm missing

abandoned mine a hint of salt in the desert air

trapped in the red forest all the trees that can't leave

stopped in my tracks by a rabbit's stillness

Monday, March 28, 2022

lucid dreaming

upturn downturn thank you for the roses

old shoes I've got a few rough spots too

missouri natives now the canada geese

shotgun blasts the neighbors enjoying spring break

kremlin's gremlins putin wonders where the leak is

squirrel leaps of faith coming to a tree near you

roaming calls the hoot owl answers

lucid dreaming where were we before the alarm sounded

magnolias turning sunshine up a notch

vacation plans I recycle the brochures

pollen count inflation the numbers keep climbing

Friday, March 25, 2022

Spring Is Moving In

daylight savings time give me back that lost hour 

declaring bankruptcy the loan sharks want to lend a hand*

too many battles a tattered flag in the moonlight 

tornado damage what words can heal these wounds

another storm in the capital yes, virginia, we've read your texts**

anniversary wishes I wish you were here

fairly certain daffodils spring is moving in

forsythia the flowers become stars

*Junk mail about taking out car loans

**Reference to Ginni/Virginia Thomas texts to Mark Meadows

Friday, March 18, 2022

the world yard by yard

cold war chill the thirst for power makes enemies of us all

invasive honeysuckle with plans to conquer the world yard by yard

crimes and crimea all those years we looked the other way

global warming about to go nuclear

darkening skies not our military so says the russian ambassador of lies

Gabbard, Carlson, and Trump names that have the ring of a bad law firm

seesaw temps winter isn't done with us yet

war is not about victors: it's about losses, it's about murder

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

sunflowers in winter no reframing what russian tourists have already seen

*russian tourists in the Dominican Republic, Turkey, Egypt, and elsewhere